(all times listed are in Eastern time)
Nov. 5:
10:45am-11:00am Welcoming remarks
11:00am-11:30am Chinasa T. Okolo, “Understanding the Role of AI-enabled Healthcare in the Global South”
11:30am-12:00pm Suzanne Singer, “Data Challenges in an Energy Transition”
12:00pm-12:15pm Break
12:15pm-1:15pm Lightning talks
1:15pm-2:00pm Break
2:00pm-2:30pm Moon Duchin, “Math for Civil Rights”
2:30pm-3:00pm Lester Mackey, “Doing Some Good with Machine Learning”
3:00pm-4:00pm Mentoring breakout session
4:00pm-5:00pm (Optional) Social hour
Nov. 6:
10:45am-11:00am Welcoming remarks
11:00am-11:30am Saiph Savage, “A Future of Work for the Invisible Workers in A.I.”
11:30am-12:00pm Kao Zi Chong, “Why was SelectStarSQL successful?”
12:00pm-12:30pm Ellen Zegura, “Mapping Inequalities in Internet Cellular Access”
12:30pm-1:15pm Break
1:15pm-2:15pm Panel discussion
2:15pm-2:30pm Graduate program + fellowship advertisements
2:30pm-3:30pm (Optional) Social hour